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한국관광공사 로고

자료유형 : 국외단행본
서명 / 저자 : Economics in perspective : a critical history / John Kenneth Galbraith
개인저자 : Galbraith, John Kenneth
발행사항 : Boston : HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO., 1987
형태사항 : 324p. ; 24cm
서지주기 : Includes index.
일반주기2 : Donated
ISBN : 0395355729
청구기호 : 320.1 G148e


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《 Contents 》

A look at the landscape -- After Adam -- The enduring iterim -- The merchants and the State -- The French design -- The new world of Adam Smith -- Refinement, affirmation and the seeds of revolt -- The Great Classical tradition, I: Around the margins -- The Great Classical tradition, 2: The mainstream -- The Great Classical tradition, 3: The defense of the faith -- The grand assault -- The separate personality of money -- American concerns: trade and trusts; enriched and the rich -- Completion and criticism -- The primal force of the Great Depression -- The birth of the welfare state -- John Maynard Keynes -- Affirmation by Mars -- High noon -- Twilight and evening bell -- The present as the future, I -- The present as the future, 2.


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