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한국관광공사 로고

자료유형 : 국외단행본
서명 / 저자 : New ideas from dead economists : an introduction to modern economic thought / Todd G, Buchholz.
개인저자 : Buchholz, Todd G.
토드 부크홀츠.
판사항 : 3rd ed.
발행사항 : New York : Plume, 2007.
형태사항 : 346 p. ; 20 cm.
일반주기2 : Purchased
ISBN : 9780452288447
청구기호 : 320.1 B919n3


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Foreword by Martin Feldstein
Preface To The Revised Edition

Ⅰ. Introduction:The Plight of the Economist
Ⅱ. The Second Coming of Adam Smith
Ⅲ. Malthus:Prophet of Doom and Population Boom
Ⅳ. David Ricardo and the Cry for Free Trade
Ⅴ. The Stormy Mind of John Styart Mill
Ⅵ. The Angry Oracle Called Karl Mrax
Ⅶ. Alfred Marshall and the Marginalist Mind
Ⅷ. Old and New Institutionalists
Ⅸ. Keynes:Bon Vivant as Savior
Ⅹ. Milton Friedman and the Monetarist Battle Against Keynes
ⅩⅠ. The Public Choice School Politics as a Business
ⅩⅡ. The Wild World of Rational Expectations
ⅩⅢ. Dark Clouds, Silver Linings



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